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POS - QR Payment

Overview Integration guide Demo API


ZaloPay App receive order's information pay with QR Code method from AppClient.

For the sizeable orders, scanning QR codes would be ineffective. So, ZaloPay provides an API to create orders on the server-side. After calling this API, ZaloPay Server will return the responses containing orderurl, then AppClient can use this orderurl to generate QR Code.


The datapack received after creating an order successfully:

  "zptranstoken": "190719000001129n9Z6V9O",
  "orderurl": "",
  "returncode": 1,
  "returnmessage": ""

AppClient use the orderurl field to generate QR code, ZaloPay App could acquire this QR code information to make payment.

This is the QR code of the orderurl above:

OrderUrl QR Code

Processing flow

QR Code Flow

QR code format on Merchant website

QR Code Format

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